January 29th Early Dismissal- Impact on Exam Schedule

Due to the weather that is forecasted for later today, an early dismissal announcement has been made by HRCE.  

 What does this mean for students scheduled to write assessments/exams?

  • Students in grade 10/11 who have an assessment/exam scheduled for this afternoon will now write Thursday morning.  Any student who had a conflict in their original exam schedule will  write Thursday afternoon.  
  • Students in grade 9 will write today’s afternoon assessment Thursday morning.  Regular classes will be scheduled for Thursday afternoon for all grade 9 students.  
  •  This means
    • Bused students will be picked up 2 hours earlier than their regular dismissal time ( 1:20- 1:30).
    • Non-bused students 9-11 students will be dismissed at 12:00. 
    • All grades 7-8 will remain in class until 12:30 

 We know this is inconvenient for students and families, but safety is a priority.

Please reach out to your child’s Vice Principal if you have any questions about their assessment. 


WBH Admin team